Category Archives: tweetsANDplus

Des tweets et des plus n°6 – Dennis Ritchie

Mon premier vrai livre de programmation !

Simple isn’t it? the general population has talked so much about Steve Jobs’ death and comparatively so little about Dennis Ritchie’s: Steve’s influence was at a layer that most people could see, while Dennis’ was much deeper

The O/R Impedance Mismatch: Why does this impedance mismatch exist?  The object-oriented paradigm is based on proven software engineering principles.   The relational paradigm, however, is based on proven mathematical principles.  Because the underlying paradigms are different the two technologies do not work together seamlessly.  The impedance mismatch becomes apparent when you look at the preferred approach to access: With the object paradigm you traverse objects via their relationships whereas with the relational paradigm you join the data rows of tables.  This fundamental difference results in a non-ideal combination of object and relational technologies, although when have you ever used two different things together without a few hitches?

Events as storage mechanism :  All events should be represented as verbs in the pas t tense such as CustomerRelocated, CargoShipped, or InventoryLossageRecorded. For those who speak French, it should be in Passé Composé, they are things that have completed in the past.

Un bon email est un email détruit: si après avoir lu et traité un email vous devez le garder, pire l’archiver, c’est suspect! Un email doit pouvoir être détruit


Des tweets et des plus n°5 – slide to unlock

La SSII m’a tuée: Comment cela Lucius, vous refusez la sodomie? », une pratique pourtant incontournable dans l’univers de la prestation de services.

One of the Best Bits of Programming Advice I ever Got: “Don’t make objects that end with ‘er’.”

Ram is cheap: Algorithms are for people who don’t know how to buy RAM.

LinkedIn engineering leader: best leaders […] know that if you hire the right people and put those people in the right positions, they will figure out the right technology and process to get the job done

Des tweets et des plus n°4 – Not Tetris

UNIX’ Russian Roulette: sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live”

service public, open source permet d’éviter 60j de délais en n’ayant pas de commande a passer pour le logiciel

java comb-over:  Java Programming Language is going to have a clean, simple syntax for lambdas Real Soon Now

The Web is killing database systems: The Web, like nothing else, has embraced the software-centric approach. In this sense, the Web is killing database systems. How else could you explain the relative dominance of MySQL? Ce qui me fait penser à la blague du moment sur twitter: “A DBA walks into a NOSQL bar, but turns and leaves because he couldn’t find a table”

Des tweets et des plus n°3 – Pink Sombrero

Cowboy coding and the pink sombre: Si vous codez comme un cowboy directement sur le prod vous devez porter le sombrero rose

The best solution to any programming issue:  faire un billet sur un forum de développeur avec un pseudo de fille

PLANIFIERIFIER: planifier et vérifier? Joli néologisme sans doute involontaire dans la nomenclature des métiers du systè me d’information des grandes entreprise par le cigref

The Entire Facebook Terms of Service in Bro Speak : Good news! Everything you put on Facebook is yours.[…] You have complete control over your own shit in the settings. Uh, except for a few things For things covered by intellectual property law, (which is, I mean, just minor shit like your pictures and videos; whatever, amirite?) you grant us license to use it literally however the fuck we want for as long as it’s up. Seriously, we can blow up your pictures and Photoshop in sombreros and dicks and then put them up on billboards in Asia if we want. Also, we can let our friends use your shit however they want […] LEGALLY WE’RE REQUIRED TO YELL THIS PART BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING IMPORTANT […]We’re all about one big human family and all that bullshit, but we also try to respect the rules wherever you live …

Des tweets et des plus n°2 – Post It war

Antepedia: search among  210 million files and 940,000 open source projects

The Git workflow:

  1. Create a private branch off a public branch.
  2. Regularly commit your work to this private branch.
  3. Once your code is perfect, clean up its history.
  4. Merge the cleaned-up branch back into the public branch.

Histoire de l’Internet et des télécoms: La France aurait pu inventer l’Internet… Mais Giscard (et ses conseillers) en ont décidé autrement

QUnit: QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use, JavaScript test suite. Et oui J c’est pour Java 😉