Web2.0 expo Berlin: Entreprise2.0

Beaucoup de monde dans la salle, le sujet intéresse.

Il s’agit d’un panel composés de:

Sam Lawrence, Chief Marketing Officer, Jive Software
Lee Bryant, Director, Headshift
Laurent Gasser, Chief Executive Officer, Revevol

Interviewé par Brady Forrest d’Oreilly radar.

Those are my notes, not an exact transcript of what they said, but my interpretation, so there might be some misunderstandings.

social change is massive in the compagny
biggest transformation since email

not about techno but about usage

We have a set of existing entreprise product
It department is often  backward and old school
how do we get around IT departement?

But he is working with top ten law firm
=> very visionnary people inside those compagny
very sustantial changes coming.

Clearspace is similar to sharepoint
Integration with core business application is key
They don’t look at the different tool separatly they use them thogether
something as a all.

Enterprise 2..0 consulting company
New Behaviors to create value

Web2.0 definition
Building an architecture of participation
network effect
Doing thing together we can’t do alone
Connect the reading and writing done in the enterprise create incredible value

There is a ton of things that happens to create a document, an information.
Finding the right person, asking, searching, filtering,…
Only a small fraction is done using tools, there is a huge hole.

Framing that problem and coming with a solution

Web2.0 is a set of different tools
There is not one tool more important than the others
Find the best usage inside the corporation and then chose the appropriate tools.

Key of success is to set up the right mix
In small corporation they do it harder in bigger corporation

People only use it if they  find value
you have to start with the usage

It’s not good if tools are disconnect

Looking from the tools angle is the wrong angle
looks at the usage and then chose the tools

If you put a word document inside a wiki it doesn’t work
it’s not the usage of a wiki

IT is ofen painted as the bad people
They have to be empowered with tools to respond to the business needs

Often, the easiet thing is to take sharepoint because it is given for free.
But This tool might not be good for the usage
The key is how you prototype the system

Give the possiblities to syndicate in the enterprise informations found on tools in the public Internet.

Facebook inside clearspace, there going to be a blending
Opening of the firewall is an issue, but it will come anyway

Even in small compagnie people don’t know each other
=> social network is one solution

How to you generate the social graph?
ask them to connect to each other?
Watch what they do? (send it, blog, comment)

you need to give the people immediate payback about their actions
They do something and their profile is enriched

You create social filter
I want information from the people I work with and share interest

80’s crappy management is going to crash with the coming generation people

Hierachy are not going away
you can collaborate, take inputs but in the end someone has to decide and make clear why they made this choise instead of another

one keyword for web2.0 is agility
the need of new governance
every one is afraid
The problem is not at the top but for middle management.

The first compagnies to make the right transformation will be the winners on the market

Question from the audience
Knowledge is power, so…

main blocking point, depens on the culture the problem is quite strong in france
more true for middle management than top

A soution is to show the value of sharing
CEO should agree
Do a pilote, choose the right place to do it
show the result
and you will overcome the issue

network productivity always trumps individual productivity
Armies and the mafia are becoming networks

Knowledge is power, no
Network is power

The issue is in the middle management

In social network reputation is going to be important

All the tools are in sharepoint or IBM products, so IT says the tools are already there, use them, and nothing changes.

We need to help IT to change, most of them want to work with the cool stuff